Hpmbcalc - A programmable multiple-precision hex calculator with many utilities
Released on = August 6, 2006, 2:12 am
Press Release Author = Hexprobe System
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = Programmable multiple-precision hex calculator for cryptanalyst
Press Release Body = (July, 2006) - Hexprobe System announces the release of Hpmbcalc for Microsoft Windows (version 3.3), a programmable multiple-precision hex calculator with many utilities. Hpmbcalc, you can easily perform a lot of big number math operations, such as: square root, modular inverse; hash and CRC calculation; pseudo-random number generation; primality test; hex, dec, oct, bin conversion; etc.
Hpmbcalc is a great time-saver for the programmers and those who work in the fields of data analysis and cryptography. It has built-in randomicity and primality test tools; file checksum, CRC value and hash value calculators; pseudo-random number and probabilistic prime generators. They are intended for use in the analysis, design, and testing of data transmission and cryptographic algorithms involving data protection, digital signature, and key exchanges.
Hpmbcalc is an automation object and a scripting host. It dispatches a library of methods for performing multiple-precision integer operations and includes a language-independent scripting host which supports both VBScript scripting and JScript scripting. Hpmbcalc provides an ideal host for users to design and test the algorithms that require invoking the big number operations with non-interactive scripts.
System requirements: Hpmbcalc can run under Windows 2003/XP/2000/ME/98/NT (4.0 or more).
Availability: Hpmbcalc is available for $29.95 from the Hexprobe System website at http://www.hexprobe.com/hpmbcalc/buynow.htm. A 20-day trial version is also available from the website at http://www.hexprobe.com/hpmbcalc/download.htm.
For more information on Hpmbcalc visit the Hexprobe System website at http://www.hexprobe.com/hpmbcalc/index.htm or contact via email at market@hexprobe.com.
Web Site = http://www.hexprobe.com/hpmbcalc/index.htm